16 August 2008

Mead Bottling Day

As you can see, the mead is clear, and has not shed a lees over the last racking period. It is ready for bottling.

Sanitize your corks in a metabisulphite solution for 15 minutes.

While your corks are sitting, add 1/4tsp of metabisulphite to the wine and stir vigourously for 4 minutes to degass it.

Sanitize your bottles with a chlorinated solution and triple rinse with hot water.

Inspect your bottles at the bottom and at the neck to ensure cleanliness.

Use your racking hose to fill the bottles to just below the neck and cork. Leave your bottles upright for 3 days, allowing the corks to seat properly and then turn them on their sides. Store in a cool, dry place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you had help on bottling day with all you needed to bottle. I do it mostly by myself.
